ALL: EMERGING ARTIST YOUNG SCIENTIST HEXAGONE CCA LAZNIA CC CLUJEAN KERSNIKOVA BETA FESTIVAL CYENS MEET BOZAR GLUON ARS ELECTRONICA LABORAL Thermal Thinking: Beyond the Representation in ResearchCCA LAZNIAYOUNG SCIENTIST MUT / COREHEXAGONEYOUNG SCIENTIST Seascape, a Transtemporal Exploration from Deep Sea Timeflows to UnderwaveGLUONYOUNG SCIENTIST Raising Awareness of Marine Alien Species and Climate Change in the MediterraneanCYENSYOUNG SCIENTIST Non-Human IntelligencesKERSNIKOVAEMERGING ARTIST Life in the UniverseBOZARYOUNG SCIENTIST Living SurfacesBETA FESTIVALEMERGING ARTIST How to Look (at Looking)?GLUONYOUNG SCIENTIST Brain Hacking – Human Perception Beyond RationalKERSNIKOVAYOUNG SCIENTIST Eating Life: Collaborations Between Our Bodies and Other SpeciesLABORALEMERGING ARTIST If We Opened People Up, We’d Find LandscapesCC CLUJEANEMERGING ARTIST Environmental Impact of Data CentersCCA LAZNIAEMERGING ARTIST Building on Ancient and Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainable ArchitectureBOZARYOUNG SCIENTIST Preparing for Drought Resilience: Addressing Water Scarcity and Desertification in CyprusCYENSEMERGING ARTIST Anthropocene Great AccelerationARS ELECTRONICAYOUNG SCIENTIST Wave of Light: Exploring Marine Phenomena through Art-Science SynergyMEETYOUNG SCIENTIST Moving into SymbioceneHEXAGONEEMERGING ARTIST